Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Biography

Short Wedding Dresses seem to have been gaining favor among the new generation. Brides to be have preferred short wedding dresses over the traditional long and flowing wedding gowns in the recent times. One of the major reasons for brides to be favoring one is because of convenience factor. They are convenient and they also allow the freedom of movement to the bride. Modern ladies love their comfort and they give them huge comfort in space and mobility among others.

Another important factor is that most modern day ladies are at ease with slightly shorter versions of dresses. They feel clumsy and boxed in long and flowing traditional wedding gowns, whereas they can make them feel at home, comfortable and above all confident. They are also flexible and can be altered to fit them best. The dresses have a wide variety of designs that not only fit to every body type, they also accentuate them. They can also be customized and added accessories can make these really fantastic to wear and also feel good to look at. They can also be customized to match any kind of wedding theme, and with a little creativity and imagination, they can just be perfect for every occasion.

Short wedding dresses have been also one of the most favored wedding dresses as they can be worn comfortably in summer or spring or temperate climates and humid weathers as well. There can be so many designs and styles that they can be worn comfortably in any weather conditions except chilling winters. They can also be worn with minimal accessories and yet look extremely elegant and stylish.

They have a lot more usage than being just a wedding dress. They can be worn to other occasions or parties also. They are easy to handle and extremely convenient. Most importantly they can be worn throughout the wedding evening without having to change for some other dress to attend the reception party. They can be made compatible with any kind of wedding theme and color.

They are convenient, comfortable, stylish and above all customizable. They definitely are the wedding dress for the future generations who love to try new things and new styles on their special occasions.
There are often tears at weddings but you'd need to be careful if you wore one of these creations as they dissolve when they come into contact with water.
The elaborate designs are the result of an unlikely marriage between fashion and engineering students at Sheffield Hallam University.
They combined forces to create a wedding dress that could be dissolved after the wedding to transform it into five new fashion pieces. As each layer of the dress is dissolved it reveals the next piece, while the last layer is intended to be kept as a memento. The layers are made of polyvinvyl alcohol, an environmentally-friendly polymer that dissolves when it comes into contact with water.
The pieces, each a stage of the transformation process, are now on public display at the University's Furnival Gallery.
At the same time, the amount of clothes we buy has increased by almost 40 per cent to more than two million tonnes a year. 
As a result, textiles have become the fastest-growing waste product in the UK. About 74 per cent of those two million tonnes of clothes we buy each year end up in landfills.
"The reaction to the dress has been marvellous - it has created a lot of interest around the world and I am very impressed that two disciplines worked well together."

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

Latest Wedding Dresses Pictures Images Photos Designs 2013

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